Friday, June 7, 2013

NF5: Don't Bb or B# Just B Natural

Sharp: higher in pitch by a half step
Flat: lower in pitch by a half step
Natural: without flats or sharps, as the key C major

Summary: In this project I used my  composition 4 from note flight.And added flats, sharps, and naturals in the composition.Also in this project I learned what flats,and sharps do if added to notes. By adding these the composition has a whole new tune.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

NF4:The ABCs of Music

Treble Clef: A sign on a staff, indicating the position of G above middle C on the second line
Bass Clef: A sign on a staff, indicating the position of F below middle C on the fourth line
Pitch: To determine or set the key of tune
Octave: A tone seven degrees above or below a given tone in such a scale

 In this project I combined a series of notes together to create a new composition. I used at least one  half note, quarter note, and one rest.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

NF3: Take a Rest

Rest: A measured interval of silence between tones

In this assignment we had to turn quarter notes into rests. The rests are responsible for putting silence or pauses between the desire notes you want. The rest puts a new rhythm to your composition .

Friday, April 26, 2013

NF2: When Two Become One

Half note: a not having one half the duration of a whole note
In this part of the project I combined half notes and quarter notes. I also learned about half notes,and how when combined with a quarter note it makes a whole new tune. This project teaches the meaning of whole notes when its mixed with quarter notes.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Quarter Note Madness

Staff: the horizontal lines on and between which notes are written or printed
Time Signature: a sign consisting of one number over another
Measure:the notes or rests, or both, contained between vertical lines on the staff
Quarter note: a note having one fourth of the duration of a whole note

In this project I created music using only quarter notes. Also in this project I used only a,b,c,d,e,f,and g note and I order them any way I wanted.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Audacity Radio Commercial Project

propaganda: ides or statements that are often false or exaggerated and are spread in order to help a cause
compel: Its like when you peer pressure someone
exaggerate: When you do or say something to the extreme
promoter: a person or organization that helps something to happen

In this project I chose one of my favorite artist( one direction) and made a commercial about them. In the commercial I used three of their songs and I clipped part of the song and put the part I thought would fit or sound good in my commercial.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Audacity First Naration Project Part:5

batch processing: automation of a series of repetitive tasks on a computer so that the tasks run without manual invention
Dynamic range: the difference between the loudest and sofest part of an audio
In this project I used audio duck for my recording. T he audio duck job was to lower the volume while I was talking.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Audacity First Narration Project Part 3

CODEC: A computer program capable of encoding/ decoding a digital data strea
Windows DirectSound: A windows interface between applications and the sound card driver

In this project I used my last recording of me talking about Rihanna. then I put the song "diamonds" by Rihanna and added with my recording.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Audacity Fist Narration Project Part 2

Compression: a process that evens out the overall volume level
Dynamic range: the difference between the loudest and the softest part in an audio recording
Noise floor: A level representing the amount of near continuous background noise present in the signal

 Summary: In this project i used my past recording of me talking about Rihanna in five sentences. what i did with this was I split all five sentences(as seen below). Then lastly I made a screen shot( also seen below).

Friday, February 15, 2013

Audacity first narration project part 1

ADC: the part of a sound card which records an analog.
Clipping: distortion to sound, usually due to the audio being to loud
DAC:  the part of a sound card which plays back numerical representation of an audio as an analog.

In this assignment I wrote a paragraph on my favorite song DIAMONDS by Rihanna. Then I recorded my voice reading the paragraph.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

audacity assignment 4

sample: a discrete value at a point in a waveform representing the audio at that point.
sample rate: measured in hz like frequency
sample format: also known bit depth or word size

In this assignment I used my last recording to add a beat with it. I went to and chose a  beat I wanted to use with my name. Lastly I uploaded it to soundcloud and pasted it on my blog as you see below.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

audacity Assignment 3

liner: a simple, directly propotional,"straight line" relationship.
logarithmic: a non linear relationship where one item is proportional
Gain: a measure of how much a signal is amplified
In this assignment I used my last recording to fade my voice in and out.I did this by clicking on effect and pressing the fade in button for the first half of my recording and for the second half I did the same thing but with the fade out button.

Friday, January 11, 2013

audacity assignment 2

Amplitude: the level or magnitude of a signal
DB: decibels
In this assignment I amplified my voice. This makes the high sound higher and the low sound high. I did this by going to the effect tab and clicking amplify.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

audacity assignment 1

audio file format: stores audio on computer
waveform: a visual representation of an audio signal
WAV: used to create audio on a CD

First I recorded my voice saying my name. Then I went to audacity glossary and defined the words above. Last I uploaded it to sound cloud and I posted on my blog.