Thursday, January 17, 2013

audacity assignment 4

sample: a discrete value at a point in a waveform representing the audio at that point.
sample rate: measured in hz like frequency
sample format: also known bit depth or word size

In this assignment I used my last recording to add a beat with it. I went to and chose a  beat I wanted to use with my name. Lastly I uploaded it to soundcloud and pasted it on my blog as you see below.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

audacity Assignment 3

liner: a simple, directly propotional,"straight line" relationship.
logarithmic: a non linear relationship where one item is proportional
Gain: a measure of how much a signal is amplified
In this assignment I used my last recording to fade my voice in and out.I did this by clicking on effect and pressing the fade in button for the first half of my recording and for the second half I did the same thing but with the fade out button.

Friday, January 11, 2013

audacity assignment 2

Amplitude: the level or magnitude of a signal
DB: decibels
In this assignment I amplified my voice. This makes the high sound higher and the low sound high. I did this by going to the effect tab and clicking amplify.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

audacity assignment 1

audio file format: stores audio on computer
waveform: a visual representation of an audio signal
WAV: used to create audio on a CD

First I recorded my voice saying my name. Then I went to audacity glossary and defined the words above. Last I uploaded it to sound cloud and I posted on my blog.